- Yesterday, I forgot to water my sunflowers (sooo, I've been slacking pretty bad with the updates!) so I came back to the store and got a spot right in front. There was a car double parked in the middle of the street a little ways up the block. When I parked, the driver jumped out of the car and started waving at me so I waved back. I got out of the car and he started screaming at me that he was taking that spot, and didn't I see him? I said "no, I didn't see you, you were all the way up the block with no blinker on, but I'll be less than 5 minutes if you want to wait." He kept going on and on about it, while I'm standing there with my key in the door to the store, so finally I was like, "I got the spot, get over it" and went to go inside. Then he said, "What is the matter with you?" Normally I'd just keep walking but that set me off. "What's the matter with me? You're the one who's out of your car, screaming at me in the middle of the street over a parking spot that I didn't even know you were taking. What's the matter with YOU?" I totally shouldn't have let myself get that mad, but I did.
- Today I noticed a couple of finches hopping around outside the store. In the spring and summer I put out bird seed for them and they all sit around and eat it. I put some on the curb and went inside to do some work. I noticed this guy (a neighborhood guy, he lives on the block) kicking all the birdseed into the sewer. He got in his car and drove away before I could yell at him but I was SO heated. I know it's not a big deal, I went outside and put more out and that was the end of it, but I just didn't see why it bothered him THAT much that he had to kick it into the sewer. I found myself stewing about it like 10 minutes after the fact.
Finches eating last summer
I guess I need to just chill out a little bit. It's crazy how little things can completely affect your mood. I got to talk with my dad earlier and vent about some stuff that was bothering me so that really helped. I never realized how much my parents are really two of my best friends. I can talk to them about anything and everything and they always give me awesome advice. I really value that. Sean and I were talking about a mutual friend (I was definitely hesitant to call them a friend, which means they aren't really) and a (terrible) decision he made recently. Sean had said, "Why didn't his dad turn around and be like, "What the fuck are you doing??" Mine would have." It's true, mine would have, too. Good parents are sometimes hard to come by and I completely appreciate mine.
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