Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sunflower Progress 4

I came into work on Monday to find that my sunflower seedlings were ready to be transplanted and put under a better light. So I did:

I put them in 1 gallon containers and labeled them with which food I'm feeding them. I put them up on wooden crates that my dad had in the back. I love the crates. Someone actually came in recently asking if he could have them because he collects old crates. I felt bad saying no but I think they're awesome and didn't really want to part with them. They have the names of dairies in NYC on them.

Here are the sunflowers Tuesday:

They're coming along pretty well for only being 1 week old from seed. I haven't gotten my photos up from today yet but the second set of leaves are coming in. It's been really cold in here these past few days and that's definitely inhibited growth but it should be warming up soon.

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