Monday, November 23, 2009


Ok, so I might be a little late to jump on the whole, "OMG TWILIGHT" boat, but at least I'm on it now, right? I am completely embarrassed to admit it but I'm obsessed! Not in the, "I'm going to wear my TEAM EDWARD (or TEAM JACOB, the jury's still out on that one) t-shirt to go see New Moon tonight" sense, but in the "I can't fucking wait to see New Moon tonight" sense. I am 26 years old, after all, I had to draw the line somewhere.

It happened like this:

We went to the movies awhile ago and they played a trailer for New Moon. Bri and I both looked at each other and said, "That actually looks pretty good." So I had him download me the first Twilight movie and I fell in love. It was so romantic, dangerous and very "Romeo and Juliet" with the whole forbidden-love thing. It doesn't even have anything to do with my non-existent love of vampires or my non-existent crush on R-Pattz (ugh, did I just say that??? Thanks Perez.), I just love the story so much. I borrowed the first book from a friend of mine, finished in a day and a half, bought the box set, finished New Moon in one day, and here I am super excited to go see New Moon in an hour. After which I will probably immediately start reading Eclipse. I don't want to rush it or anything because once I finish the last book in the series it's over, there is nothing after that and I will be pretty bummed.

I can't even believe I just made a blog post about Twilight.

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